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FaceliftBarelyBad.com is getting a much-needed refresh. Things might be in disarray — you'll see old pages and new pages. Thanks for your patience while we sweep up and thanks for visiting. Welcome to this ever-growing collection of things both silly and serious I feel a need to show and say to you. Explore at will till you find something you like or don't. If you missed it, here's the first place I offer you a dollar. Who I am, and why this Web site is I'm a 68-year old science student located somewhere within striking distance of you. My hobbies include echolalia, grump-baiting, frottage and echolalia, and I'm the emergency backup president of France. Catchphrase since November 8, 2016: "A
bad person makes a worse U.S.
president." Apparently The Washington Post agrees with
me. Here's the headline as of October 9, 2020. But none of that matters. What matters is that the purpose of this Web site is to entertain or engage or maybe even momentarily entrance you one way or another, no matter how hard I have to try. After reading how easy it is to navigate this site, at right, you might want to see what else is on this Home page, then branch off into whatever interests you. If I'm doing this right you can't go wrong. GuestbookThe guestbook has turned out to be more interesting than I would have thought when I instituted it in late 1996. To be sure, some of the entries are banal and some are inscrutable. Some are complimentary and some are, well, not. And a few are worth reading.
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to navigate This Web site consists
of only six
main pages,
with branches from them. Some
of the branches have twigs, and some of them have twiglets, and some of them intertwine, and they all count. I
recommend you click pretty much everything in site, although if you try to experience all
of it you'll be here quite awhile, so if you want to set a bookmark, this is where to. Tip: If you aren't enjoying yourself and
relaxing here, you aren't doing it right.
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Mail Me If you think you've seen enough (there are over 330 pages so far counting the hundred How-To articles pages), if you have any comments or questions, or if you want to make any positive, supportive, constructive suggestions (a popular one so far has been "You're site sucks"), . |
Outline of Home Go here for a full-page version of the site map. |
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