NYT Crossword Cute Clues in 2001
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Crossword Cute Clues -- 2001

Here are the New York Times Cute Clues I liked in the year 2001.  What you see below is what the answer might look like with only one or a few letters filled in, just as it might be if you were working a puzzle.

To enjoy the table below best, resist the temptation to click the answer cell till you've played with the clue for a while.  To appreciate the clues and answers from a different perspective, imagine that as the constructor you have a particular answer filled into the grid, and you need a clue for it.  If you don't understand why a particular answer makes sense, let me know.

Schoolmaster, to the classroom A _ A _ _ A _Date: 01-06-2001
Constructor: Nelson Hardy
Place runners?: Abbr. M G _Date: 01-06-2001
Constructor: Nelson Hardy
It may be about a yard _ E _ C EDate: 01-10-2001
Constructor: Richard Silvestri
Two- or four-seater M _ I T _ E DDate: 01-14-2001
Constructor: Nancy Salomon
Piecemeal? A _ A _ A _ _ EDate: 01-26-2001
Constructor: Joe DiPietro
They're part of a good deal A _ _ SDate: 01-26-2001
Constructor: Joe DiPietro
Record's end E _ TDate: 01-28-2001
Constructor: Jim Paige
First offer? _ O L L E C T _ O _ _ _ A T EDate: 02-02-2001
Constructor: Martin Ashwood-Smith
Development areas? _ T E R _Date: 02-04-2001
Constructor: Frank A. Longo
Sentence structure? _ A I _ _ _ U S EDate: 02-09-2001
Constructor: Nelson Hardy
Joint tenant's place? _ E L _Date: 02-14-2001
Constructor: Robert Dillman
Its tip may be felt _ E NDate: 02-14-2001
Constructor: Robert Dillman
It is sheer coincidence that a joint tenant's place is a _en.
A priest, not a beast O N E _ _ A M _Date: 02-16-2001
Constructor: Bob Klahn
This is more interesting than you might think.
A lot of fluff E _ SDate: 02-22-2001
Constructor: Elizabeth C. Gorski
A train? _ _ D EDate: 03-02-2001
Constructor: Manny Nosowsky
Toy making a comeback _ O _ ODate: Sunday, 03-04-2001
Constructor: Cathy Millhauser
The first of four.
Field of Battle O _ E _ ADate: Sunday, 03-04-2001
Constructor: Cathy Millhauser
The second of four.
Polo field? A _ _ ADate: Sunday, 03-04-2001
Constructor: Cathy Millhauser
The third of four.
Oft-broken promise I _ ODate: Sunday, 03-04-2001
Constructor: Cathy Millhauser
The last of four.
They may have flight plans I _ _ A _ E SDate: 03-10-2001
Constructor: Charles E. Gersch
Fix a flat? T _ _ EDate: 03-11-2001
Constructor: Elizabeth C. Gorski
Faint sound? _ H U _Date: 03-11-2001
Constructor: Elizabeth C. Gorski
Panama claim H A _ C _ E _ _Date: 03-16-2001
Constructor: Manny Nosowsky
Sold(i)er material _ I NDate: Sunday, 03-18-2001
Constructor: Richard Silvestri
Marvelous.  I've never seen this method before.
Serviceable? O _ _ ADate: Sunday, 03-18-2001
Constructor: Richard Silvestri
Breathes deeply? _ C U _ _ SDate: 03-23-2001
Constructor: Elizabeth C. Gorski
No place for a draft dodger? _ _ _ H O U S EDate: 03-24-2001
Constructor: Mark Diehl
Rock on the roll? _ A V _Date: 03-27-2001
Constructor: Sherry O. Blackard
Pitcher of milk? E _ _ I EDate: 04-01-2001
Constructor: Bill Zais and Nancy Salomon
Night stick? _ O O S _Date: 04-01-2001
Constructor: Bill Zais and Nancy Salomon
Wheels of fortune? L _ _ O SDate: Sunday, 04-15-2001
Constructor: Richard Silvestri
They're always tired _ _ R SDate: Sunday, 04-15-2001
Constructor: Richard Silvestri
Bottled spirits _ E _ I E SDate: 04-16-2001
Constructor: Peter Gordon
Time piece? _ R ADate: 04-26-2001
Constructor: Robert H. Wolfe
Short collection? _ E P _Date: 04-27-2001
Constructor: Mark Diehl
I don't know whether it's intentional, but this is doubly good.  A "short" is a type of automobile.
V.I.P. in a rush? A _ S A _ E RDate: 04-28-2001
Constructor: Rich Norris
They involve light lifting _ _ N _ I S E SDate: 05-02-2001
Constructor: Nancy Salomon and Harvey Estes
One after another? E _ E _ E _Date: 05-10-2001
Constructor: Manny Nosowsky
The way things go? _ _ A F F _ _Date: 05-11-2001
Constructor: Martin Ashwood-Smith
High rollers? E _ SDate: 05-12-2001
Constructor: Michael Shteyman
One whose success is well-earned? _ I _ M A NDate: 05-12-2001
Constructor: Michael Shteyman
You might give one the slip _ E L L _ RDate: Friday, 05-18-2001
Constructor: Joe DiPietro
End of a rainbow? _ I O L _ TDate: Friday, 05-18-2001
Constructor: Joe DiPietro
Are you familiar with Roy G. Biv?
Cast of two _ _ A K E E _ E _Date: Friday, 05-18-2001
Constructor: Joe DiPietro
Takes some courses? _ U _ SDate: 05-30-2001
Constructor: Joe DiPietro
Cold war ammunition? _ _ O W _ A L _Date: 05-31-2001
Constructor: Robert H. Wolfe
The actual answer is SNOW[BALL], where [BALL] occupies a single cell, a rebus puzzle.
Checkout lines, briefly _ P _Date: 06-13-2001
Constructor: Nick Grivas
Finding the means? _ _ E R A _ I N GDate: 06-14-2001
Constructor: Mark Diehl
Here, I mean, means is OK.
No visible means of support? _ R ADate: 06-20-2001
Constructor: Jay Sullivan
C-worthy? _ O _ ODate: 06-20-2001
Constructor: Jay Sullivan
Is helpless? _ O _ O SDate: 06-30-2001
Constructor: Frank Longo
Thoughts on paper?: Abbr. _ E _Date: 07-01-2001
Constructor: Manny Nosowsky
Wise guys? M _ N _ _Date: 07-08-2001
Constructor: Michael S. Maurer
Exercised pull? _ E _ D E DDate: 07-08-2001
Constructor: Michael S. Maurer
Exercise pull? _ O WDate: 07-08-2001
Constructor: Michael S. Maurer
Join of arc?  W _ L _ Date:  07-11-2001
Constructor:  Richard Silvestri
Pleasant drives?  _ I _ I D O S Date:  07-15-2001
Constructor:  Elizabeth C. Gorski
This puzzle also includes the second of two errors involving Adolph Rupp, someone I've never heard of.
Be in another form  A _ E Date:  07-17-2001
Constructor:  David J. Kahn
Semi-colon?  _ O T Date:  07-18-2001
Constructor:  Elizabeth C. Gorski
Checks for letters?  R _ N _ S Date:  07-27-2001
Constructor:  Brendan Emmett Quigley
Sort of a disaster?  T _ I _ G _ Date:  08-08-2001
Constructor:  Sam Bellotto Jr.
Hun-armed bandit  A _ I _ L _ Date:  08-05-2001
Constructor:  Peter Gordon
Closing act?  S _ L _ Date:  08-05-2001
Constructor:  Peter Gordon
Odd couple?  _ E E S Date:  08-08-2001
Constructor:  Sam Bellotto Jr.
Turn green  _ E A _ E Date:  08-10-2001
Constructor:  Manny Nosowsky
Shot putter?  S _ R _ N _ E Date:  08-012-2001
Constructor:  Nancy Nicholson Joline
Pisa dough  L _ R _Date:  08-14-2001
Constructor:  Randall J. Hartman
Rough problem to face?  A C _ _ Date:  08-16-2001
Constructor:  Joe DiPietro
They can be produced by shifting  _ A _ I _ A L SDate:  08-18-2001
Constructor:  Rich Norris
It's game  _ A GDate:  08-23-2001
Constructor:  Peter Gordon
Big cuffs?  _ O SDate:  08-26-2001
Constructor:  Richard Silvestri
Morsel a horse'll eat  _ _ TDate:  09-09-2001
Constructor:  Harvey Estes and Nancy Salomon
This clue cracks me up every time.
It may be found under the counter  _ R A _ I _ M O R EDate:  09-14-2001
Constructor:  Mark Diehl
It allows you to pick a number  _ U _ E _ O XDate:  09-15-2001
Constructor:  Michael Shteyman
I movement?  _ G O T _ I PDate:  09-20-2001
Constructor:  David J. Kahn
Burger topper?  _ E _ R Y M A _ _ NDate:  09-20-2001
Constructor:  David J. Kahn
Y to the max?  _ E S TDate:  09-23-2001
Constructor:  Randolph Ross
Supplicant's supporters  K _ E _ SDate:  09-27-2001
Constructor:  Manny Nosowsky
Spy rings?  P E E _ _ O L E SDate:  10-05-2001
Constructor:  Elizabeth C. Gorski
Piece advocates?: Abbr.  N _ A

Date:  10-05-2001
Constructor:  Elizabeth C. Gorski
This clue is rendered in my newspaper exactly as follows:

Piece a
dvocates?: Abbr.

Delicious leftover?  C _ R _Date:  10-07-2001
Constructor:  Patrick Berry
Possible result of pathological lying?  _ E D _ O R _Date:  10-07-2001
Constructor:  Patrick Berry
Union man?  A _ E L _ N _ O _ NDate:  10-12-2001
Constructor:  Manny Nosowsky
Unexciting, low-paid work, in modern lingo  M _ J O _Date:  10-13-2001
Constructor:  Jim Page
I especially like this one because I'd never heard it before.
mcjob.jpg (19,860 bytes) 11082003

Update of November 8, 2003: Here's an article from today's Kansas City Star.

A way to define 'trouble'

CHICAGO -- McDonald's objects to the way the latest Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary depicts its job opportunities . . . .

. . . McDonald's called the term "a slap in the face to the 12 million men and women" who work in the restaurant industry.

Animated speaker?  M _ L B _ _ N _Date:  10-19-2001
Constructor:  Joe DiPietro
A gate may be attached to one  S _ A N _ A _Date:  10-19-2001
Constructor:  Joe DiPietro
Plot cover-ups?  S O _ SDate:  10-19-2001
Constructor:  Joe DiPietro
Flip response?  _ A I _ SDate:  10-24-2001
Constructor:  Sarah Keller
Sign of freshness?  S _ _ PDate:  10-28-2001
Constructor:  Michael Ashley
Cologne mister  _ E R _Date:  10-31-2001
Constructor:  Mary Pat Hidding
Get the best of  C U _ _Date:  11-02-2001
Constructor:  Mary Jung
It's placed on the bottom  D I _ _ E RDate:  11-10-2001
Constructor:  William I. Johnston
Start of a race?  _ V _Date:  11-11-2001
Constructor:  Joe DiPietro
Signs up?  _ O _ I A _Date:  11-16-2001
Constructor:  Elizabeth C. Gorski
Physical conductors: Abbr.  _ R SDate:  11-17-2001
Constructor:  Bob Peoples
Single fist  _ U K EDate:  11-17-2001
Constructor:  Bob Peoples
This puzzle also uses the answer PHFFFT to the clue "Sound of a dud."
Subordinate Clauses?  _ L _ E SDate:  11-20-2001
Constructor:  Kelly Clark
John, to Ringo  _ O ODate:  11-22-2001
Constructor:  Richard Silvestri
Catcher in the wry?  _ E R R _Date:  11-25-2001
Constructor:  Bob Klahn and Harvey Estes
Copy cats  M E _Date:  11-25-2001
Constructor:  Bob Klahn and Harvey Estes
Flip one's lid?  B _ I N _Date:  12-07-2001
Constructor:  Joe DiPietro
Shrink rap?  _ S _ EDate:  12-08-2001
Constructor:  Rich Norris
Not going on  T _ _ S EDate:  12-08-2001
Constructor:  Rich Norris
Gets under someone's skin?  _ P E _ A _ E SDate:  12-15-2001
Constructor:  Frank A. Longo
Maker of pit stops?  _ R _ MDate:  12-21-2001
Constructor:  William I. Johnston
Stop at the door, perhaps  _ A R _Date:  12-21-2001
Constructor:  William I. Johnston
Is on the bottom?  _ _ T SDate:  12-21-2001
Constructor:  William I. Johnston
Company that cares for the face and hands  _ I M E _Date:  12-23-2001
Constructor:  Frances Hansen
Like a blind spot?  S _ _ _ T E DDate:  12-28-2001
Constructor:  Manny Nosowsky
Semi-service station  _ R _ C K S _ _ PDate:  12-28-2001
Constructor:  Manny Nosowsky
Shot past?  T E _ _ I S A _ EDate:  12-29-2001
Constructor:  Bob Peoples
Super dupers?  F _ _ U _ SDate:  12-30-2001
Constructor:  Elizabeth C. Gosrski
Hard to fathom  _ E _ PDate:  12-31-2001
Constructor:  Nancy Salomon and Harvey Estes

Crossword Cute Clues -- 2001

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