Y2K Compliance
Privacy Policy
Statement of Y2K Compliance. The officers,
employees, agents, directors and owners of this Web site do hereby attest, affirm
and certify that it complies with all enforceable "Y2K" compliance standards. We further
assert that as of this exact moment
Mon Mar 17 2025 00:21:43 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
it's well past January 1, 2000, so we'll stop bragging
about how well this Web site weathered the Y2K bug. (Answer: Perfeclty.)
Privacy Policy. The officers, employees,
agents, directors and owners of this Web site do hereby attest, affirm and
certify and veritably assert that it complies with all enforceable privacy policy standards, plus which we guarantee that we
are not smart enough or interested enough to know how to capture your e-mail addy or track your travels in the
Internet or anything else remotely like that anyway.
Remotely, get it?
But seriously, you may always feel sure that nothing on this Web site will ever hurt your computer in any way.