B A R E L Y B A D  W E B  S I T E  
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Santa Claus

santa.jpg (22,346 bytes) 01252004 225 x 394 This is a photo from Christmas 2003.  B and a friend of hers named Linseed Donald Clarkbar were helping to decorate our house and decided to place this styrofoam Santa Claus in the corner of a ledge above a stairway landing.  Apparently one of our three pets -- a cat and two fish, so I'm betting on the cat -- decided to reposition it for the humans' amusement.

And as you can see -- and this is purely serendipitous -- the girl in Annette's Maxfield Parrish print appears to be deeply distraught by Santy's indiscreet behavior.


B A R E L Y B A D  W E B  S I T E  
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