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  This is one of several Fun Pix resulting from my experiences with Habitat For Humanity.
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Pancho's Menu

It wasn't until March or so of 2007 that I discovered Pancho's Restaurant in the Habitat neighborhood.  It's one of the best at making Mexican food, of which I am a big fan.  It has become my go-to to-go fast food joint of choice.  Also, it gets robbed a lot.

Anyway, what I want to draw your attention to is their sign, at left.  It's an expensive-looking sign.  You'll notice that it's entirely in perfectly plain English.  So, it's hard not to wonder what is meant by "SOFT MEDIN DRINK."

Is MEDIN a brand name that comes in alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions like hard and soft cider?

I just had to ask the cashier what "medin" meant.  She explained -- with a look that suggested she thought I was a bit slow -- that "medin" is the English word for the size between a small and a large.

Estúpido me.


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