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Living Room Phenomenon

images/livingroom.jpg (5,044 bytes) No matter how big it looks on your monitor, the stripes are about 3.5 inches apart in real life.  They're the edges of the vertical blinds on the window on the west wall of my living room.  I took this photo on June 21, 2002.  This is a reasonably accurate depiction of the real-life phenomenon.


So, what is it?


  • It appears for only a few weeks a year, and for only a few minutes each morning.
  • It moves continuously.  I shot it handheld, no flash, on 400-speed film at 1/60 sec at f11, if that helps.
  • After guests enter the hallway from my front door, they see it directly in front of them.

If you know what it is, let me know.





Update of June 21, 2003  Here's the same phenomenon, this time looking like Saturn.

livingroom2.jpg (4,727 bytes) 06212003


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