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Warranty Hook

This is about 50% of the printed information sheet included with this product.  It's a coat hook packaged in of those little plastic bags you cut open with scissors or rip open with your teeth and then throw away.

The paragraph titled "Warranty" in fact disclaims (with an obvious grammar error and a punctuation error) any warranty.

But then they go on to say that if they are found liable, presumably for property damage and/or bodily injury, the most they'll pay is 99 cents.  So, for example, if the top hook snaps in half (which, in point of fact, is why I bought this matching replacement) and drops a pair of binoculars onto your hallux and fractures it and keeps you on crutches and off work for a month, the manufacturer might agree to pay you up to 99 cents.

And in order to collect your damages, here's all you have to do:

  • Figure out the address of the manufacturer.  (Although there's plenty of room on this sheet for it, nowhere does the postal address or phone number or even e-mail address appear.)

  • Spend at least 99 cents in postage and packaging and time shipping the product back to wherever you decided was the most likely postal address.

  • Be willing to surrender to the liable party the very piece of evidence you need to prove that liability.


But the kicker is that, in order to collect your money, you must also return the package.



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