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  This is one of several Fun Pix resulting from my experiences with Habitat For Humanity.
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sandmich.jpg (5127 bytes) This huge sign recently appeared over the north elevation of a corner deli in the Habitat for Humanity neighborhood.  I've been going in here every couple weeks or so since 1997.

You're probably thinking what I was when I decided to snap this pic, which is that the owner, Pat, misspelled sandwich.

As it turns out Pat had spotted me taking this photo, and when I went inside to order he interrupted me to explain that he spelled it that way on purpose.

As he said (and I know I'm quoting precisely here because I had him say it twice): "Everyone here orders a 'sammich,' so that's how I spelled it."


B A R E L Y B A D  W E B  S I T E  
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