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Round Thing

roundthing.gif (235 bytes)
(Not actual size.)

If you got all caught up in the frenzy about the paper clip I offered for sale on EBAY (see previous Fun Pic), this ought to appeal to you even more.  I am now offering for auction a round thing.


Here are just a few of its many exciting features:

  • Even though the scan above makes it look a bit fuzzy, it's really quite round.
  • It's portable.  Take it to work, to school, to the beach, to the mountains, anywhere!
  • Many uses!  Add to your collection!  Amaze your friends!   Plus, it's portable!
  • The scan above is not actual size.
  • It's lightweight and portable.  No special padded case needed.  Is unaffected by airport metal detectors and X-ray machines.  Carry it anywhere.
  • Imprinted with its date of manufacture, guaranteed authentic by the U.S. government.
  • Unbreakable.  Dishwasher- and freezer-safe.
  • Good for emergencies.

The bidding on my unique round thing takes place at eBay, which is HERE.

If you want to make a bid, after you get to eBay.com click the Collectibles category, then Folk Art, then do a search for "round thing."

It's item #192502703.

Easier yet, just click HERE.



The auction is over, and the round thing went unsold, although I did field several inquiries about it.


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