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P. Board

pboarda.jpg (4134 bytes)

If you have any idea what P. Board is, please .  I knocked on the door of the house in front of which this sign sat, then I took this photo, and then I knocked again, but no one kept answering.

Also, is this a good price?









And here's another roadside offering, and at a much better price.

freepboard.jpg (5144 bytes)










pboard_ad.jpg (14,435 bytes) 02242004 195 x 302

Update of February 21, 2004:
The advertisement of which this is a small part appeared in today's newspaper.

Based on this ad and the surprisingly large number of people who've responded so far to this let me know link, it would appear there's certainly a possibility that P. Board might well mean particle board.

Also, doesn't the word "NO" in the circle with the line through it reverse the meaning?  Unless I'm wrong if you don't agree whether it's not reversed, you won't want to miss not going here.


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