From The Kansas City Star of January 13,
Misspelled forgery
CARTHAGE [Missouri] -- Two Webb City men were arrested and
charged with forgery after allegedly trying to pass a false check for paint at a Wal-Mart
Supercenter in Carthage on Jan. 5.
Police said their plan was foiled when a clerk noticed that the
bank's name was misspelled.
Instead of First State Bank of Joplin, the check read "Frist
State Bank."
Store managers recognized the check as being similar to one used
Jan. 2 to buy a pen and a day planner. They turned both checks over to police.
Nicholus E. Newman, 21, and Seth M. Reeder, 24, were released on
bond Monday. Their arraignment dates had not been set.
Police said the men used a computer program to create the two
checks on a nonexistent bank account.
First, to make such a mistake is inexcusably stupid. If you were these idiots' parents, wouldn't you be ashamed?
But second, and worse, if you're going to expose yourself -- not
once but twice no less, and at the same store, no less -- to being convicted of a
felony and to prison time, shouldn't you steal more than a pen and a day planner and some