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Church Sign

churchsign_03.jpg (7.183 bytes) My brother and I were on our way back from one of many dozens of trips to the Ozarks, and we decided to stop in at Arthur Bryant's to pick up some of their excellent barbecue when I first espied this sign a few blocks away.


I was paying more attention to my driving and trying to ignore the scrumptulous aromas emanating from the grease-stained bag o' AB'S, so it wasn't till a few seconds later that I realized what I had seen.  I backed up (on a one-way street, no less) to check and, sure enough, it's a good thing I had my camera with me, because this church no longer exists.

This is one of my all-time favorite signs.



In this new version of a problem with Zion, here's a photo of a sign in the same general area.  Stencilling is hard.