Come walk the path,
revel in the beauty of the
surroundings of the Turkey Creek Streamway Park,
commune with other peaceful and interesting people,
and drink in the pleasures of Mark Manning's watercolors.
Mark Manning, of Merriam, Kansas, and other artists will exhibit several dozen watercolors on September 28 and 29, 2002. The pieces -- of landscapes,
flowers, birds and other scenes of nature -- will be exhibited on the very nature path
from which they were inspired.
They're all framed, and they're all for sale.
You can take a leisurely walk (wear walking shoes and comfortable
clothing) on this most excellent of nature paths whenever you want, of course, but only on
this special weekend can you see it decorated with special art.
Golf carts and drivers will be available, and we will do our best to accommodate any
elderly or disabled person who has difficulty walking.
Only this special weekend can you stroll from artwork to artwork
mounted along the actual Turkey Creek path in the actual spots from which they were
painted, all painted by an aficionado, and all for sale.
Only this special weekend can you see a landscape interpreted in
watercolor hung on an easel or even a tree in just the right place . . . then
shift your gaze and see the actual nature in real life.
The art exhibit will be spread out along the 1.2 miles of the
paved path, from 67th Street to 75th Street in
Merriam, Kansas, that is part of the Turkey Creek Streamway Park project.
In addition to the art you can enjoy a fine early fall day
walking among the trees and viewing the creek (and the "Waterfall" painting
above) and observing all the exquisite nature and watching all the other people
there. But there's more . . .
Entertainment and Events
If you know Mark Manning you will not be surprised
that he wants to show you not only his art but also a lot more along the path on this
special weekend. There will be entertainment and events both days, and all of it is
free. Please go to the Map page
for details.
- Saturday: Ernie Miller Nature Center
- Saturday: Singer/songwriter Lou Bartholome
- Saturday: Neal Manning -- Irish and folk music
- Saturday: Accessible Arts
- Saturday:
- Sunday: Singer/songwriter Kelly Werts
- Sunday: Neal Manning -- Irish and folk music
- Sunday: Accessible Arts
- Sunday:
The Map page shows
more information.
Encourage Your Young Child's Interest in Art and Nature
The children can meander and play along the path, ponder the art, and then find many opportunities to participate in fun and educational projects.
Ernie Miller Nature Center will be bringing their collection of live birds of prey and an exhibit of reptiles. The center's representatives will give educational presentations and be available for questions all afternoon.
This is a wonderful opportunity for children and adults alike to get a close up, "human's eye" view of some of our native species of hawks, owls, snakes, turtles and salamanders.
There will also be a separate, hands-on exhibit of pelts and skulls and other stuff kids love to handle.
Accessible Arts will be hosting a site where children can choose to assemble either a prepared log frame kit or construct and decorate their own birdhouse.
Both kits are free, and the children may take them home with them after they have been assembled. The Home Depot has generously donated the kits.
Accessible Arts is also overseeing the construction of a group participatory nature-weaving.
And in case you get hungry or thirsty for more . . .
. . . complimentary finger foods and apple cider will be available.
Mark Mark's art show on your calendar
right now,
and invite your friends. Make a day or two of it.
© 2002 Mark Manning |
How To Navigate
this Site
Under this Home page are only five other main pages:
Bio |
Info about the artist |
samples |
A few more examples of Mark Manning's work that will appear
at the show |
Map |
How and when to get to the art show
Plus the most up-to-date Entertainment and Events schedule |
Sponsors |
Whom to feel good about |
Artists |
Other artists whose works will appear at the 2002 show. |
The top of every page shows a navigation bar to help keep you situated.
See the General page for more information about the similarities and differences between the art shows of 2000 and 2002.
The Parks and
Recreation Department of the City of Merriam was instrumental in producing
this show. Mark would like to especially thank Parks and Recreation Director Susan
Hayden and Events Coordinator Tim Murphy for their enthusiastic support and the sharing of
their wisdom and expertise in putting on an event of this scale.
Mark would like to thank the webmaster for putting this site together. Mark
says, "I encourage you to visit Johnny's Web site for hours of entertainment. I guarantee you will not be
Birder Beanie As many of you who walk the Turkey Creek Streamway Park path
already know, Mark is an avid birder. Because he's partly paralyzed, he found it
difficult to use the birder's one essential tool, which is a pair of binoculars .
. .
. . . until he devised a method of attaching a small pair of
binoculars to a baseball cap that allows him to flip the binos down for use and flip them
up when they're not needed. You can learn more about the simple yet elegant
Birder Beanie.
NOTE: The samples of Mark Manning's watercolors strewn about this Web site are,
of course, not rendered completely accurately. The limitations of scanners and
monitors and your patience while wating for a download to finish mean that these online
images of Mark's watercolors are imperfect compared to the originals.
Come see how much better they are in real life at the path -- the perfect place to see them -- from noon till 5
September 28th and 29th.