This sign, on the roof over a shop a few miles from where I live,
caught my eye because I couldn't figure out what "Exotic Paint and Layout"
meant, then I realized it was particularly humorous because, presumably, anyone
advertising his ability to do good layout -- exotic layout, even -- should be able to come
up with a better sign than this.
This sign is also funny because it brags on exoticism, yet it's
singularly dull (except for the lower-case "y" in "LAyOUT," which I
suspect results more from ignorance of what an upper-case "Y" looks like than
from any exotically creative typographical choice).
But if it has something to do with layout, I find it amusing that
it's laid out so poorly, what with the words "paint" and "and" being
too close together and the word "layout" being separated into two
words. I suspect this sign was painted in a left half and a right half and then put
together wrong.
I still have no idea what this sign means or what services or merchandise it advertises, which is the funniest
thing of all.
This is, for me, a classic Fun Pix sign.