B A R E L Y B A D W E B S I T E |
Mouth Congratulations for clicking the baby's mouth, because out of the mouths of babes comes universal, eternal, unadulterated truth. Here's some for your consideration:
Cogito ergo sum. (I think, therefore I am.) --Rene Descarte This is the only universal, eternal truth that cannot be disproved. It is the essence of solipsism. It must be true no matter what else, but literally nothing else must be true. Said another way, you can prove you exist because you know there must be some entity that's out there wondering about whether it exists (and that entity is you) but there's literally nothing else you can know for sure. Indeed, you cannot even know that you're actually thinking what you think you're thinking at this very moment. Cogito ergo spud. (I think, therefore I yam.) --Popeye T. Sailor This is silly. Ignore this. One plus one equals two. This is an example of a universal, eternal truth, but only if we agree on the meanings of the terms. It is tautological, which means it is internally consistent, no matter what else. If you accept the meanings of the terms, then literally by definition you agree with the conclusion. Much of math is made of this, and it's beautiful.
More here later, when I get better at organizing all of true knowledge. If you know what comes next, .
B A R E L Y B A D W E B S I T E |